From Pilot to Reflection: A 5=5 Method [2 of 3]
From Reflection to Report: A 5<5 Report [3 of 3]
Here is a 5x5 approach to move from idea to pilot/prototype:
5 Questions: Pilot/Prototype Development 1) What do I want to learn from the pilot/prototype? 2) What is the headline if it is a success? 3) What is the best method/approach to learn from this pilot/prototype? What is the smallest thing that I can do and test whether to pursue further, pivot or abandon? How will I gather information? 4) Will the method lead to the headline identified? 5) What is the milestone/time frame to quickly evaluate whether to pursue this idea further? | X | 5 Questions: Personal-Professional Development1) Why am I doing this? What do I want to learn? 2) What is my role? What part pushes my learning edge? 3) Who are the smart people that I want to learn from/with on this pilot? 4) How can I assess my learning and/or skill development? 5) Does this approach enable the learning that I want? |
Attribution: this approach reflects a mashup from brilliant mentoring, modeling, discussions with many people... including Bruce Ettinger, Nancy Dubler, E. Nathaniel Gates, David Karshmer, Rachel Remen, Edward Harran, Andrew Lyon, Ian Page, and many more.