CB101: Lead Change
Lead: Sustainable Leadership Development.... resources for Leadership Capacity yes! ...... helping visionary young leaders build a better world Leader to Leader Institute ...... strengthening leadership of the social sector Society for Organizational Learning ...... applying a model for circles of inquiry ... ripples of action Collective Wisdom Initiative ...... together we can know more training for change ...... providing peace, justice, environmental activist training through non-violence Learning as Leadership ...... a revolution in your evolution Center for Leadership Renewal ...... dedicated to the study and advancement of leadership issues Expand .... resources for expanding Skills & Toolbox crucial conversations, confrontations and influence ...... innovating tools for communication and interpersonal dynamics Compassionate Listening Project ...... teaching heart-based skills to create powerful cultures of peace Non-Violent Communication ...... speaking peace Global Mind Shift ...... promoting an expanded view of what it means to be human World Cafe ...... awakening and engaging collective intelligence through conversations that matter Public Conversations Project ...... constructively addressing conflict about values and worldviews TED .... Ideas Worth Spreading: riveting talks by remarkable people Lead well & Be the Change: Resources for Sustainable Leadership ... taking care of oneself in order to take care of the world.... Being and being well ...... resources to promote being well and well being Peace in Oneself, Peace in the World Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh, who began a movement for engaging social change with peace at the base amidst the Vietnam War, continues to inspire and lead new generations of people committed to sustaining themselves while engaging change Wake Up!.........an international network of young adults European Institute for Applied Buddhism, Germany Plum Village, Bordeaux, France Deer Park Monastery, San Diego, California, USA Blue Cliff Monastery, Hudson Valley, NY, USA Compassion Service Society. ..... an International Network following Master Ce Thay Hang Truong, who has developed Integral Tai Chi, a body meditation program that integrates yoga, tai chi and chi gong and offers rich teachings for compassionate action. Shambala...... being well and well being programs from the Dalai Lama and other teachers in the Tibetan tradition Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction ...... from the MBSR program at U Mass founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn Center for the Contemplative Mind ...... being well programs for engaging change funded by the Fetzer Institute Being change ... resources for community building for engaging change.... be the change ...... a community of people being the change help others ...... a resource for inspiring changemakers daily good ...... a daily email with a news story of inspired effort and a small action to be the change we are what we do ...... a resource for people engaging change through action interdependence project ...... a resource for compassion-based activism i am home ...... a resource for peace-based lay activists in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh charter for compassion ...... a network of people committed to compassion-based action |
part of Kate's Muralidea incubator & prototype lab
. . . architecting hope . . . |