Technology to accelerate Social Change (examples.... *happily* the list is growing)
openIDEO a global community that will draw on your optimism, inspiration, ideas and opinions to solve problems together for the collective social good.
Click to give ..... the hunger site.... leveraging the "clicks" for social good
Room to Read change starts with educated children- expanding literacy around the world
Social Innovator (Social Innovation Exchange) ... connecting social innovators for social change
Promoting Technology Innovation for Social Change
Social Innovation Camp: (Originally UK, now global, look for one near you!)
Net Squared: remixing the web for social change
techsoup - the technology place for non-profits
Once interesting but seem to be gone:Idea-porting ... platform to share ideas for impact within and between countries
Do The Right Thing ...... where good ideas grow: consumer input for companies to "do" good
What are your favorite apps for social impact? Who is building tech for changemakers?
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